lundi 7 janvier 2013

Top 2 Gadgets to Keep you Safe in Your Hotel Room

I'm an adventurous traveler, and I've certainly stayed in some hotels/motels/hostels where my safety in my room was questionable whether because of the neighborhood or the iffy door lock. Check out these products that will bring you some peace of mind - a portable door lock which works anywhere and a doorjam with alarm that shrieks like a banshee if someone tries to get into your room uninvited.

1. Portable Door Lock

Stay Safe Anywhere
Awesome device - this portable door lock works like this:
  • Open door
  • Squeeze and slide lock back (illustration exists on the packaging)
  • Insert hook into door strike plate (again, package illustration shows you how to proceed)
  • Close door
  • Slide lock forward and you're safe!
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